More Titles, More Options

I’ve added two stories to my Amazon list, New Prospects and The Magician, which is part two of the Ashfall series. I’ve also got a spiffy author’s page.

I’m going to be branching out soon. I just made an account on Wattpad. Soon I’ll be taking a look at Smashwords.

The Price of His Kiss

There’s a new title posted on Amazon: The Price of His Kiss is a story about a man who has no trouble earning his keep in the world’s oldest profession, and how he finds himself attracted to one of his clients.  The feeling may or may not be mutual.

This is a good story.  I know, I want you to think all of my stories are good stories, and I’d like to think they are.  This one, however struck a note with me.  I’m looking forward to continuing it in part two.

First, I’m going to finish the second part of the Ashfall series.  I shouldn’t try juggling more than one series at a time, so I’d like to finish one before I start on the other.

Either way, there will be more writing!